By Request -
Recently, on the
Free Technology for Teachers Facebook page
someone asked for suggestions for math resources for grades 7-12. That
covers a broad range of topics in math, but I've done my best to cobble
together a list of resources that I think will help middle school and
high school math teachers and their students. I have not included the
obvious option of Khan Academy.
Get the Math is
a super website designed to provide teachers and students with
Algebra-based mathematics challenges. Get the Math tries to put the
challenges in the context of the "real world" scenarios of fashion
design, video game design, basketball, restaurant management, movie
special effects, and music production.
Get the Math features
short videos of professionals explaining and showing how mathematics is
used in their professions. After watching the videos students try to
complete a series of challenges based upon the work done in the
professions of fashion design, video game design, and music production.
For example, after watching the
Math in Fashion video students have to design a shirt to match a specific price point
A couple of months ago Curriki released a
series of six PBL geometry projects that could make geometry interesting and fun for high school students.Curriki's new
geometry course features
six PBL projects. Each of the projects is aligned to Common Core
Standards. The course is not a self-directed course for students. The
course is designed to be taught by mathematics teachers who want to
incorporate PBL. The projects in the course can be used in sequence or
used as stand-alone units. All materials needed for leading the projects
are included available on the Curriki site. You will have to create an
account and sign-in in order to access the materials. Curriki accounts
are free.
Opus is
a service that aims to help middle school mathematics teachers discover
sample math problems aligned to Common Core standards. To find problems
on Opus search by entering a topic and selecting a grade. You can also
find problems by clicking the "
browse the Core directly"
link on the Opus homepage. Either way when you find a problem you can
save it to your free Opus account where you can then generate a Word doc
or Google Document of all of your saved problems. You can also create
an answer sheet in your Opus account.
MathDisk is
a service that teachers can use to develop interactive mathematics
worksheets. Through MathDisk's "Math Builder" tool you can design
mathematics models that your students can use online. The models and
worksheets you develop online can also be downloaded to use offline if
you also install the MiBook software on your desktop or on your Android
device. If you don't have time to create new materials, the
MathDisk gallery
has pages of models and worksheets that you can choose from. Everything
in the gallery, like everything you create through MathDisk, can be
downloaded and or embedded into your own website or blog.
TenMarks is
a service that offers an online mathematics program designed to
supplement your in-classroom mathematics instruction. All of the
problems in TenMarks' bank of more than 20,000 are aligned to Common
Core standards. Within
TenMarks teachers
create class rosters and accounts for their students. After creating
rosters teachers can assign practice problems to students. Teachers can
assign problems based on the Common Core Standards that their students
are trying to reach.
If you use GeoGebra in your classroom, you should bookmark GeoGebraTube.
GeoGebraTube is a community site for teachers who teach with
GeoGebra to
share and find a wide range free resources. On GeoGebraTube visitors
will find user-created tutorials, lessons, and worksheets. Visitors can
search for resources by age group, language, and material type. All
materials are freely available for noncommercial re-use.
Math Open Reference is a free online reference for geometry teachers and students.
Math Open Reference features animated and interactive drawings to demonstrate geometry terms and concepts. The table of contents on
Math Open Reference is
divided into four basic categories; plane geometry, coordinate
geometry, solid geometry, and function explorer tools. Click on any
subject in the first three categories to find definitions, examples, and
interactive drawings. In the function explorer category users can
select linear functions, quadratic functions, or cubic functions to
explore how changes in variables affect the graphed output.
Dan Meyer has a site called
101 Questions
on which he is sharing images and videos as prompts for developing math
questions. Each image and video has a 140 character field in which you
can enter your question. Questions are compiled and can be Tweeted. Take
a look at the
top 10 to get a feel for what you will find on 101 Questions. I've embedded one of the videos from
101 Questions
below. I won't pretend to be able to explain the larger purpose of the
site as well as Dan does, so I'll just encourage you to go
read his blog post about it. And if you need more background on who Dan Meyer is, watch his TED Talk
Math Class Needs a Makeover.
Incredible Shrinking Dollar from
Dan Meyer on
ULearniversity is
a free site featuring arithmetic and algebra lessons. On ULearniversity
you can watch tutorial videos and practice the concepts taught in the
videos. ULearniversity provides instant feedback on your practice
problems. As a registered ULearniversity user you can track your
Math Shorts is the latest addition to Planet Nutshell's line-up of animated educational videos.
Math Shorts
will eventually have twenty videos in the series. Right now the series
contains eight animated videos for elementary school and middle school
students. Each of the videos has a Common Core standard aligned to it.
All of the videos have supporting materials from PBS Learning Media
attached to them. The first video in the series is embedded below.
Suggestions welcome:
I have never taught math and I'm open to suggestions for resources that
should be added to this list. If you have a suggestion please feel free
to email me at richardbyrne (at) freetech4teachers (dot) com.
Thanks with