Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Mathematics Olympiad

Mathematics Olympiad
The Mathematics Olympiad activity was undertaken by NBHM from 1986 onwards and is currently run in collaboration with the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Mumbai. One main purpose of this activity is to support mathematical talent among high school students in the country. NBHM has taken on the responsibility for selecting and training the Indian team for participation in the International Mathematical Olympiad every year. While NBHM coordinates and supports Mathematics Olympiad contests all over the country, regional bodies, mostly voluntary, play an important role at different stages. For the purpose of administering Mathematics Olympiad contests, the country has been divided in 16 regions. A regional coordinator is responsible for conducting these tests in each region. The names of the regions and their respective regional coordinators are given at the end.General Information about Mathematics ContestsThe Mathematics Olympiad Programme leading to participation in the International Mathematical Olympiad consists of the following stages: Stage 1: Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO)RMO is held in each region normally between September and the first Sunday of December each year. The regional coordinator ensures that at least one centre is provided in each district of the region. All high school students up to class XII are eligible to appear for RMO. RMO is a 3-hour written test containing about 6 to 7 problems. Each regional coordinator has the freedom to prepare his/her own question paper or to obtain the question paper from NBHM. The regions opting for the NBHM question paper hold this contest on the 1st Sunday of December. On the basis of the performance in RMO, a certain number of students from each region are selected to appear for the second stage. Regional coordinators charge nominal fees to meet the expenses for organizing the contests. Stage 2: Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO)INMO is held on the first Sunday of February each year at various Centres in different regions. Only students selected on the basis of RMO from different regions are eligible to appear for INMO. INMO is a 4-hour written test. The question paper is set centrally and is common throughout the country. The top 30-35 performers in INMO receive a certificate of merit. Stage 3: International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp (IMOTC)The INMO certificate awardees are invited to a month long training camp (junior batch) conducted in May-June, each year. In addition, INMO awardees of the previous year that have satisfactorily gone through postal tuition throughout the year are invited again for a second round of training (senior batch). Stage 4: International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO)The team selected at the end of the camp, a "leader" and a "deputy leader," represent India at the IMO that is normally held in July in a different member country of IMO each year. The leader and deputy leader are chosen by NBHM from among mathematics teachers/researchers involved in the Mathematics Olympiad activity. IMO consists of two written tests held on two days with a gap of at least one day. Each test is of four-and-a-half-hours duration. Travel to IMO venue and return takes about two weeks. India has been participating in IMO since 1989. Students of the Indian team who receive gold, silver and bronze medals at IMO receive a cash prize of Rs. 5,000/-, Rs. 4,000/- and Rs. 3,000/- respectively, from NBHM during the following year at a formal ceremony at the end of the training camp.The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) finances international travel of the eight-member Indian delegation connected with international participation. NBHM finances the entire in-country programme and takes care of other expenditureStudents aiming for selection for participation in IMO should note that RMO is the first essential step for the programme. To appear for RMO, students should get in touch with the RMO co-ordinator of their region well in advance, for enrolment and payment of a nominal fee.Syllabus for Mathematics OlympiadsThe syllabus for Mathematics Olympiads (regional, national and international) is pre-degree college mathematics. The areas covered are: number systems, arithmetic of integers, geometry, quadratic equations and expressions, trigonometry, co-ordinate geometry, systems of linear equations, permutations and combinations, factorisation of polynomials, inequalities, elementary combinatorics, probability theory, number theory, infinite series, complex numbers and elementary graph theory. The syllabus does not include calculus and statistics. The typical areas for problems are: number theory, geometry, algebra and combinatorics. The syllabus is in a sense spread over class IX to class XII levels, but the problems under each topic are of an exceptionally high level in difficulty and sophistication. The difficulty level increases from RMO to INMO to IMO. A good idea of what is expected of students in Mathematics Olympiads can be had from the following two books: Mathematics Olympiad Primer, by V.Krishnamurthy, C.R.Pranesachar, K.N. Ranganathan and B.J. Venkatachala (Interline Publishing Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore).Challenge and Thrill of Pre-College Mathematics, by V.Krishnamurthy, C.R.Pranesachar, K.N.Ranganathan and B.J.Venkatachala (New Age International Publishers, New Delhi - 1996). Contact Addresses for Mathematics OlympiadsFor information about the RMO, contact the RMO co-ordinator of your region from the list given in Annexure VIII.